2021 Exmark Stand-On Spreader Sprayer SSS395CKC00000

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2021 Exmark Stand-On Spreader Sprayer SSS395CKC00000

Exmark's stand-on spreader sprayer is the industry’s most advanced, most innovative design. This versatile, easy-to-operate, easy-to-maneuver machine offers our most advanced lean-to-steer technology and outstanding stability. The sprayer system includes a 20-gallon tank and an agitation system; the seed hopper can hold up to 175 lbs. Adjustable spread and spray widths let you operate in a variety of terrains and conditions.

Features may include:

Innovative Lean-to-Steer Technology
  • This advanced solution allows the operator to control all motion with one hand.
Intuitive Controls
  • Everything you need at your fingertips, allowing you to make easy adjustments and maintain total control.
Operator Comfort
  • Stainless steel operator platform with isolation mounts for a more comfortable ride. Locks up or down for storage.
Agitation System
  • You can mix chemicals in the tank and keep them in suspension, thanks to our innovative agitation system.
Spacious Hopper
  • Hopper can hold 175 lbs. An extra 50 lb bag can also be placed in carrier on top of the tank.


  • Displacement:
  • Engine:
    Model: CH395 | Spec: 3178


  • Fuel Capacity:
    1.85 gal | Tank: 20 gal
  • Weight:
    Curb: 500
  • Length:
    67.5 in.

  • Pump type:
  • Width:
    Cutting Deck: 35" |  35.5 in. | Spread: Adjustable from 4 ft up to 22 ft | Spray: Wide spray up to 11 ft wide; Narrow spray up to 5 ft wide
  • Hopper Capacity:
    175 lbs. + 50 lbs. on spray tank; 12 VDC, 2 hp motor
  • Engine Manufacturer:
    Brand: KOHLER
  • Operating Speed:
    Ground: Forward:  0–5.5 mph (8.8 kmph) / Reverse: 0–4.0 mph (6.4 kmph)
  • Height:
    51.5 in.
  • Drivetrain:
    Tuff Torq
  • Maximum Pressure:
    Spray Rate: Wide - 0.69 gpm at 30 psi, 0.80 gpm at 40 psi; Narrow - 0.35 gpm at 30 psi, 0.40 gpm at 40 psi
  • Frame Type:
    Stainless Steel
  • Tires, Front Specification:
    13 x 6.5-6
  • Tires, Rear Specification:
    18 x 7.5-8


  • Manufacturer Type:

Our Location

Wise Honda
2803 S US-287
Decatur, TX 76234